The Industrial Phase-Transfer Catalysis Experts

PTC Tip of the Month E-Newsletter

Public PTC Course – Philadelphia – Oct 2014

Industrial Phase-Transfer Catalysis

Day 1: Choose PTC Process Conditions Like an Expert (click for agenda)

Day 2: PTC Applications: Critical Review of 200 Reactions in 30 Reaction Categories (click for agenda)


Dates & Locations


US – Philadelphia (Mt. Laurel, NJ): Oct 21-22, 2014

Registration will soon be available for the PTC course in Philadelphia, Oct 21-22, 2014

$200 discount for early registration and payment by July 22, 2014!


Europe – Cologne, Germany: April 21-22, 2015

Registration will soon be available for the PTC course in Cologne, Germany, Apr 21-22, 2015


Why You Should Attend the Course “Industrial Phase-Transfer Catalysis”


This PTC course has an unmatched return on investment of your company’s training investment because it is directly focused on helping your company achieve low-cost high-performance green chemistry processes, almost immediately, for all stages of process R&D from route selection to process development to plant support. Your company benefits from improved R&D efficiency, higher process performance and increased profit. This PTC course is unique in that it is relevant to about 25% of all organic reactions and is therefore immediately applicable to current projects in all areas of the organic chemical industry!

An earlier version of this highly rated industrial PTC course has been conducted 50 times since 1996 (formerly under the name “Practical Phase-Transfer Catalysis”), of which 31 were conducted in-house at process R&D departments for pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, flavors & fragrances, dyes & pigments and a variety of commodity, specialty and fine organic chemical manufacturers. Customers often report huge savings for existing processes, processes in development and greatly improved performance in route selection within weeks or months of conducting this course in-house or attending a public PTC course. Several companies have conducted this course in-house twice!

With such a high return on investment and immediate application to current projects, the only question that remains is how fast do you now want to benefit from this highly practical and immediately relevant training?


Day 1: Choose PTC Process Conditions Like an Expert


Learn how to systematically and rapidly choose process conditions and practical workup for PTC processes to achieve the lowest cost highest performance green chemistry. Learn the comprehensive fundamentals and practical guidelines for choosing phase-transfer catalyst (structure-activity relationships, catalyst separation, catalyst stability), solvent, hydration, anions, leaving groups, agitation, highly specialized techniques and specific guidelines for evaluating new PTC applications in 3-5 experiments. Dr. Halpern invented the “Halpern pKa Guidelines for Evaluation and Optimization of New PTC Applications” and he also invented the q-value structure-activity parameter that characterizes the accessibility of the positive charge of quaternary onium salts that affects ion pairing.

Click here for the agenda of Day 1 of “Industrial Phase-Transfer Catalysis”

Day 1 is not only the most important day of the PTC course, it is the investment that will save your company weeks and months of development time AND result in much higher process performance and profit (higher yield, shorter reaction time, reducing excess reactants, better selectivity, effective workup, replacing expensive hazardous strong base, replacing hard-to-recover solvents, eliminating unit operations, etc.).


Day 2: PTC Applications: Critical Review of 200 Reactions in 30 Reaction Categories


While Day 1 teaches you how to choose PTC reaction conditions like an expert to achieve high performance, Day 2 is the perfect follow up that shows you the extremely broad scope of applications in which PTC excels that leverage the concepts learned in Day 1. On Day 2, the participants are guided through CRITIQUE of 200 PTC patented and published applications in 30 reaction categories using the fundamentals and guidelines from Day 1 to understand or improve upon the impressive performance of these PTC reactions.

The PTC reactions analyzed in Day 2 include C-Alkylation, Chiral Alkylation, O-Alkylation (Etherification), S-Alkylation, N-Alkylation, Ambident Alkylation, Michael Addition, Aldol Condensation, Wittig, Other Condensations, Dehydrohalogenation, Carbene Reactions, Hydrolysis, Esterification, Transesterification, Acylation, Phosphorylation, Tosylation, Carbamoylation, Other PTC Reactions with Water-Sensitive Compounds, Nucleophilic Substitutions with Cyanide , Azide, Fluoride, Other Nucleophilic Aliphatic & Aromatic Substitutions, Oxidation, Epoxidation, Reduction, Carbonylation, Transition Metal Co-Catalysis, Suzuki Coupling, Chlorination, PTC-Acid Reactions and PTC Radical Reactions.

Click here for the agenda of Day 2 of “Industrial Phase-Transfer Catalysis”


US – Philadelphia (Mt. Laurel, NJ): Oct 21-22, 2014

Registration will soon be available for the PTC course in Philadelphia, Oct 21-22, 2014

$200 discount for early registration and payment by July 22, 2014!


Europe – Cologne, Germany: April 21-22, 2015

Registration will soon be available for the PTC course in Cologne, Germany, Apr 21-22, 2015



PTC Course Logistics - Philadelphia 2014