The Industrial Phase-Transfer Catalysis Experts

PTC Tip of the Month E-Newsletter

PTC Tip of the Month - December 2022

Effect of Hydration, Solvent and Quat Salt on Quat-Transition Metal Co-Catalyzed Reaction

By Marc Halpern, the leading expert in industrial phase-transfer catalysis.

A patent was issued last week that has several interesting aspects. The reaction is shown in the diagram and is a cycloaddition of carbon dioxide, aniline derivatives and propylene oxide to form oxazolidinone.

The mechanism (shown in the second diagram) utilizes the iodide (or other halide) from tetrabutylammonium iodide (TBAI) for the nucleophilic attack on the epoxide to open the ring, aided by coordination of the oxygen to the nickel catalyst, to form the 1-iodopropyl-2-alkoxide coordinated to the nickel. The alkoxide oxygen attacks the electron-deficient carbon of carbon dioxide to form the iodopropyl carbonate anion, that performs the intramolecular displacement of the iodide to form the cyclic carbonate that also liberates the iodide leaving group to regenerate the TBAI catalyst.

In parallel, the aniline derivative reacts with the propylene oxide, aided by coordination with the nickel, to form N-hydroxypropyl aniline that couples with the cyclic carbonate to form the oxazolidinone while liberating the nickel catalyst for another cycle and forming propylene glycol.

One of the interesting finds in the patent is that tetrabutylammonium iodide performs much better (85% yield) than the corresponding bromide (45% yield), chloride (32% yield) or fluoride (21% yield). This is due to the fact that BOTH the order of nucleophilicity and the order of leaving group ability are iodide > bromide > chloride > fluoride. That makes the both the ring opening of the propylene oxide faster and the ring closing to cyclic carbonate faster.

In addition, it was found that the nickel catalyst is activated (notated in the patent by the addition of the letter A in Tables I and II) by removing the water and solvent from the catalyst complex. Activation of the nickel catalyst by removing solvent and water increases when using TBAI as co-catalyst from 22% to 85%. This is consistent with conventional thought processes for activating nucleophilicity of the anions such as iodide and the alkoxide.

Table III in the patent shows the application of this reaction to a wide variety of aniline derivatives. Electron withdrawing groups give higher yields (p-nitroaniline: 95% yield, p-chloroaniline: 90% yield) than electron donating groups (p-methylaniline: 81% yield, p-methoxyaniline: 79% yield).

In summary, the effects of solvent, hydration and halide counterion introduced with the quat salt, deliver the performance we expect in phase-transfer catalysis reactions, even though the tetrabutylammonium salts are acting as soluble sources of halide catalyst, not as true phase-transfer catalysts.

We teach these effects of hydration, solvent, choice of anions and other process parameters in our 2-day course “Industrial Phase-Transfer Catalysis.” Inquire now about bringing this course in-house to your company.

About Marc Halpern

Marc Halpern

Dr. Halpern is founder and president of PTC Organics, Inc., the only company dedicated exclusively to developing low-cost high-performance green chemistry processes for the manufacture of organic chemicals using Phase Transfer Catalysis. Dr. Halpern has innovated PTC breakthroughs for pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, petrochemicals, monomers, polymers, flavors & fragrances, dyes & pigments and solvents. Dr. Halpern has provided PTC services on-site at more than 260 industrial process R&D departments in 37 countries and has helped chemical companies save > $200 million. Dr. Halpern co-authored five books including the best-selling “Phase-Transfer Catalysis: Fundamentals, Applications and Industrial Perspectives” and has presented the 2-day course “Practical Phase-Transfer Catalysis” at 50 locations in the US, Europe and Asia.

Dr. Halpern founded the journal “Industrial Phase-Transfer Catalysis” and “The PTC Tip of the Month” enjoyed by 2,100 qualified subscribers, now beyond 130 issues. In 2014, Dr. Halpern is celebrating his 30th year in the chemical industry, including serving as a process chemist at Dow Chemical, a supervisor of process chemistry at ICI, Director of R&D at Sybron Chemicals and founder and president of PTC Organics Inc. (15 years) and PTC Communications Inc. (20 years). Dr. Halpern also co-founded PTC Interface Inc. in 1989 and PTC Value Recovery Inc. in 1999. His academic breakthroughs include the PTC pKa Guidelines, the q-value for quat accessibility and he has achieved industrial PTC breakthroughs for a dozen strong base reactions as well as esterifications, transesterifications, epoxidations and chloromethylations plus contributed to more than 100 other industrial PTC process development projects.

Dr. Halpern has dedicated his adult life to his family and to phase-transfer catalysis (in that order!).

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