The Industrial Phase-Transfer Catalysis Experts

PTC Tip of the Month E-Newsletter

PTC Reaction of the Month - December 2021

N-Alkylation with Quat Iodide Catalysis

By Marc Halpern, the leading expert in industrial phase-transfer catalysis.

The choices of conditions for this reaction are interesting. It is reasonable to assume that DMSO was chosen as the solvent in order to dissolve the highly polar starting material. Cesium carbonate was likely chosen as the base since it should be strong enough to deprotonate the more acidic N-H of the starting material while not containing a nucleophilic anionic base (such as hydroxide) that could potentially hydrolyze the phosphate ester or the chloromethyl group.

Under these conditions, a phase-transfer catalyst may not be needed and the tetrabutylammonium iodide may simply have served as a source for iodide catalysis to form the active iodomethyl group in situ which might be the reason that reaction could be performed at room temperature.

If we were developing a process for this reaction, we would screen the use of the much less expensive potassium carbonate as the base together with 5 mole% tetrabutylammonium bromide as a true phase-transfer catalyst and maybe 1 mole% KI in order to minimize cost. Thermodynamics dictates that TBAB and KI will preferentially form TBAI in-situ instead of buying expensive TBAI. We would expect the potassium carbonate to be sufficiently basic to deprotonate the NH at the interface, plus act as a desiccant, then let the quaternary ammonium phase-transfer catalyst complete the N-alkylation of the N-anion likely formed at the solid K2CO3-liquid DMSO interface.

We do not know the conversion of the reaction, though it is likely very high due to the reported weight of the crude product before chromatography. The low 27% isolated yield may be due to the relatively nonpolar solvent chosen to elute the polar product from the chromatographic column. We also do not know if chromatography might have been needed to separate the possible N-alkylated product at the other NH group of the starting material or even di-N-alkylated byproduct.

If your company needs to develop an N-alkylation that achieves low-cost high-performance green chemistry, including replacing expensive cesium carbonate and minimizing the use of expensive tetrabutylammonium iodide, now contact Marc Halpern of PTC Organics to benefit from highly specialized expertise in PTC N-alkylations and other PTC-base applications.

About Marc Halpern

Marc Halpern

Dr. Halpern is founder and president of PTC Organics, Inc., the only company dedicated exclusively to developing low-cost high-performance green chemistry processes for the manufacture of organic chemicals using Phase Transfer Catalysis. Dr. Halpern has innovated PTC breakthroughs for pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, petrochemicals, monomers, polymers, flavors & fragrances, dyes & pigments and solvents. Dr. Halpern has provided PTC services on-site at more than 260 industrial process R&D departments in 37 countries and has helped chemical companies save > $200 million. Dr. Halpern co-authored five books including the best-selling “Phase-Transfer Catalysis: Fundamentals, Applications and Industrial Perspectives” and has presented the 2-day course “Practical Phase-Transfer Catalysis” at 50 locations in the US, Europe and Asia.

Dr. Halpern founded the journal “Industrial Phase-Transfer Catalysis” and “The PTC Tip of the Month” enjoyed by 2,100 qualified subscribers, now beyond 130 issues. In 2014, Dr. Halpern is celebrating his 30th year in the chemical industry, including serving as a process chemist at Dow Chemical, a supervisor of process chemistry at ICI, Director of R&D at Sybron Chemicals and founder and president of PTC Organics Inc. (15 years) and PTC Communications Inc. (20 years). Dr. Halpern also co-founded PTC Interface Inc. in 1989 and PTC Value Recovery Inc. in 1999. His academic breakthroughs include the PTC pKa Guidelines, the q-value for quat accessibility and he has achieved industrial PTC breakthroughs for a dozen strong base reactions as well as esterifications, transesterifications, epoxidations and chloromethylations plus contributed to more than 100 other industrial PTC process development projects.

Dr. Halpern has dedicated his adult life to his family and to phase-transfer catalysis (in that order!).

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