Module 1 (Day 1): Choose PTC Process Conditions Like an Expert
Learn how to systematically and rapidly choose process conditions and practical workup for PTC processes to achieve the lowest cost highest performance green chemistry. Learn the comprehensive fundamentals and practical guidelines for choosing phase-transfer catalyst (structure-activity relationships, catalyst separation, catalyst stability), solvent, hydration, anions, leaving groups, agitation, highly specialized techniques and specific guidelines for evaluating new PTC applications in 3-5 experiments. Dr. Halpern invented the “Halpern pKa Guidelines for Evaluation and Optimization of New PTC Applications” and he also invented the q-value structure-activity parameter that characterizes the accessibility of the positive charge of quaternary onium salts that affects ion pairing.
Click here for the agenda of Module 1 of “Industrial Phase-Transfer Catalysis.”
Module 1 is not only the most important day of the PTC course, it is the investment that will save your company weeks and months of development time AND result in much higher process performance and profit (higher yield, shorter reaction time, reducing excess reactants, better selectivity, effective workup, replacing expensive hazardous strong base, replacing hard-to-recover solvents, eliminating unit operations, etc.).
Module 1 is a standalone course that will likely result in higher profit for your company. Of course, it is much more effective to conduct Module 2 (Day 2) immediately after Module 1. If your company must limit the training to one day, Module 1 is the most effective investment of valuable R&D resources and training time from which your department can benefit.
Now Contact Dr. Marc Halpern to coordinate available dates and logistics for conducting Module 1 of “Industrial Phase-Transfer Catalysis” at your company.